The next installment in the Marvel Universe, Ant-Man and The Wasp hits theaters this Friday, July 6th, 2018. In 2015, lead on the hilarious adventure as we were introduced to Ant-Man. Does the second film live up to the hype? Is Ant-Man and The Wasp appropriate for kids? I answer the questions that are on everyone’s minds.
Disclaimer: I was given 2 tickets to pre-screen Ant-Man and the Wasp. All opinions and thoughts are 100% my own.
I enjoyed the first Ant-Man film. It was funny and entertaining, while telling us his story. I knew we were going to get the same dose of comedic relief with Ant-Man and the Wasp, but beyond that I didn’t go in with any expectations.
Within the first few minutes, I knew it was going to be good. Within the first few moments, the audience was laughing loudly and you could tell they were excited. I love a good boisterous crowd when watching a film. It makes me feel a part of something great. These guys didn’t let me down.
We pick up the story line after Civil War and the arrest of some of our favorite superheroes. We discover what life has been like for Scott Lang and learn a little about the evolution of Wasp (Um, I left wanting more). Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly once again are brilliant in their respective roles. But if we’re speaking honestly, the loveable ex-cons, Luis, Dave and Kurt along with the clueless S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Jimmy Woo steal the show right out from underneath them.
Is Ant-Man and the Wasp appropriate for kids?
I don’t feel that the appropriateness for kids is cut and dry with Ant-Man and the Wasp. When ranked up against some of the more recent Marvel films, it is by far the best family-friendly film. But it carries a rating of PG-13.
Let’s break it down by the three main components we look for as parents:
- How much swearing is in the film?
- Is there violence and/or how scary is it?
- Are there sexual scenes in the movie?
How much bad language is in Ant-Man and the Wasp?
There is some use of swear words. I honestly didn’t pay attention to how many there were or what exactly was used. But do know that if swear words are something you do not want your child to hear, this isn’t the film for you.
Is Ant-Man and the Wasp violent or scary?
Yes, there are somewhat you could consider violent scenes, but not blood and guts gory. Action-packed fighting scenes – yes, but it’s a superhero film, so…
Scary is a relative term. I wouldn’t consider it scary at all. But I’ll admit there was a time or two that I jumped a little. Not because I was scared, but because I wasn’t ready for what happened next.
Are there sex scenes in Ant-Man and the Wasp?
There is one scene that stands out that could be off putting to some more conservative parents. We’re not talking Deadpool type of scenes. Everyone is fully clothed and it’s more sloppy comedy than romantic love.
Co-Parenting, Step-Parents, Adoption – Family
As a step-parent, I love how Marvel handles the co-parenting situation in this film. Dealing with divorce, co-parenting and step-parents is a rough deal and Marvel steps up to the plate to show that it can be done.
Beyond the Lang family, there is the relationship between Ghost and her “adoptive” father. Marvel, again shows that a family bond doesn’t have to built around blood. Love is all that’s needed.
So, is Ant-Man and the Wasp appropriate for kids? It is by far the most family-friendly Marvel film we’ve had in a long time. But I’d say for kids 9 and under, parents should plan on viewing it first to make sure the film doesn’t cross any lines you’ve set up as parents.
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Deborah Cochran says
Elastigirl is my favorite Incredibles character – in both films.